Taiwan white dolphin

By Qingyi Zeng1 and Chiawen Kuo2 with input from John Y. Wang, Randall Reeves, Gianna Minton and Gill Braulik 1 Ph.D. student at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2 Researcher at Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Director of Matsu Fish Conservation Union   With the aim of reaching net-zero...

By Randall Reeves (CSG Chair) and Louisa Ponnampalam and Brian Smith (CSG Asia Coordinators)   On 13 February 2022, an article appeared on this website concerning the existential threat of net entanglement to Taiwan’s endemic humpback dolphin subspecies (Sousa chinensis taiwanensis; known locally as Taiwanese white dolphin)....

By Megan Kuo and Amy Tian of Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan   [caption id="attachment_375489" align="alignright" width="339"] Photograph of Joker with his distinctive lip gash as well as an unpigmented (white) healed line scar on the front edge of the flipper. Photograph by: John Y....

  Taiwanese white dolphins (Sousa chinensis taiwanensis) live in shallow nearshore waters along the west coast of Taiwan (= eastern Taiwan Strait). Researchers from Taiwan and elsewhere have been studying this small and declining population (currently < 75 individuals) since its discovery in 2002 (Wang et...