mass stranding

  In March 2015, by far the largest-ever reported mass mortality of baleen whales took place along the coast of southern Chile. At least 343 animals, primarily sei whales, died. The discovery was made during a scuba diving expedition aimed to inventory the benthic fauna of...

  The subspecies Phocoena phocoena relicta is endemic to the Black Sea and whilst the total population size and trend are unknown, the subspecies is red-listed as Endangered. In recent months, unusually large numbers of neonates and juveniles have washed up on beaches along the Black...

  [caption id="attachment_1522" align="alignright" width="300"] An alien environment for a deep diving species. Photographer: Tim Collins[/caption]   In 2008, approximately 100 melon-headed whales stranded in the Loza Lagoon system in Madagascar. The response effort was multi-faceted and included local people, government officials, conservation organisations and marine mammal experts....